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15. Dec 2017

What really counts when training

Strong, slim and sexy. This is how many people present themselves on social media and are admired for it. Fitness is much discussed nowadays, and various training and nutritional plans are available for sale online. New recipes, books and “expert tips” on health topics are published almost every day. But many of these recommendations are too broad or too specialised, and the majority of them are not scientifically based. What does training really come down to?

Important requirements for health and vitality until a significant age are eating a balanced diet, exercising correctly and reducing your stress levels. Opinions differ, however, on how people should actually achieve this. Nutritional recommendations and recommendations on changing your lifestyle are constantly changing or are no longer in fashion.

With SMOOVE, you’re on the safe side

We are collaborating with one of the most well-known sports scientists and lifestyle experts in Europe to ensure that with our recommendations you’re always on the safe side. Dr Michael Despeghel compiled the latest research results and experience in the field of anti-ageing and preventative medicine and analysed them. His results are scientifically confirmed and continuously tested.

In order to change, you need to know where you are

With the “SMOOVE Med Fit & Lifestyle Check”, we record the person as a whole. We not only measure and analyse your physical fitness, we also look at your health and your lifestyle. The profile of strengths and weaknesses forms the basis of your personal programme.

Be specific

Turn a vague intention into a specific goal and make a plan. Instead of saying “I want to do more sport”, go jogging every Monday morning. Setting goals is a very individual process. Some people are training for a competition, for others a single pull-up is an achievement. Older people just want more confidence as they go about their everyday lives or to be more coordinated when they move. It is always important for the training to be right for the individual and their lifestyle. If you set unrealistic goals you will quickly get frustrated and give up.

Sticking at it is worth it

Sure, training isn’t always a bed of roses. Sometimes it’s more and sometimes it’s less demanding and strenuous, sometimes it even hurts a bit. Those who don’t exercise much sweat a lot, and their heart rate and breathing increase. If you stick at it, though, it very much pays off. What is challenging at first is child’s play in just a few short weeks.  It would be best if you start today.

Petra Geisser